CategoriesIHCC News

The IHCC hit the streets to help restaurants apply for RRF

HEADS UP: You can now register for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund application portal! The Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is here to help you! Register…
CategoriesIHCC News

The Week in Review: President Preckwinkle announces small business week to support local companies

[caption id="attachment_19851" align="aligncenter" width="591"] PRESIDENT PRECKWINKLE BUMPING ELBOWS AT ALEXANDRA’S RESTAURANT:Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle (left) kicked-off Small Business Week highlighting community business owners…
CategoriesIHCC News

Vicente Del Real, el dreamer que pone “a México en tus pies” en Chicago

Vicente Del Real tiene sólo 31 años, pero ya ha tenido varias vidas. Es un auténtico “dreamer”, que convirtió aquella experiencia de llegar como adolescente…
CategoriesIHCC News

Los pequeños negocios advierten: “NECESITAMOS trabajadores… ¡ahora!”

Las cifras de desempleo no reflejan la realidad. No importa si “oficialmente” hay 1%, 6% o 10% de desempleo en Illinois. La realidad es que…
CategoriesCEO Letter

Small Biz about Workforce: “WE NEED PEOPLE… and we need them now!”

Unemployment figures do not reflect reality. It doesn't matter if "officially" there is 1%, 6%, or 10% unemployment in Illinois. The fact is that if…
CategoriesIHCC News

Launch of Open Chicago: Here’s What’s Changing

Following two weeks of stable or declining COVID-19 reopening metrics, the City of Chicago announced a loosening of COVID-19 capacity regulations under the Phase Four…
CategoriesIHCC News

IHCC kicks off its “Leadership for Growth Series” [Photo Gallery]

The Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) kicked off its "Leadership for Growth Series" on Wednesday, April 28th. Held at a renowned restaurant in downtown…
CategoriesIHCC News

IHCC names Janet Dominguez as new Membership & Events Director

The Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has named Janet Dominguez as its new Director of Memberships & Events. Janet's responsibilities include coordinating all in-person and…
CategoriesIHCC News

The IHCC celebrates new equitable amendment to HB 2629

The Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) is very pleased that the Illinois House of Representatives amended HB 2629 on April 20 in response to concerns…
CategoriesIHCC News

Your business can create an impact on a College student’s future career: Host a WITI Summer Intern

This is an important message from the USDOT Office of Small Business for the Great Lakes Region:  Your Business can create an impact on a…
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