CategoriesIHCC News

The incredible story of ConnectCareHero and Osvaldo can encourage you to participate in LatinX Incubator

Osvaldo Montelongo is a first generation Mexican that grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, and graduated in 2011 from Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights with a…
CategoriesIHCC News

Illinois BEP’s Weekly Certification and Outreach Webinar

While we mourn the unjustified killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery— these events highlight disparities of power and influence which permit systemic and ongoing injustice…
CategoriesIHCC News

What to do if your business was damaged in Chicago protests?

BACP are working tirelessly with other City of Chicago departments, the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) and business leaders to solve problems, address issues…
CategoriesIHCC News

IHCC Alert: access to the central business district will continue to be temporarily reduced

Please be advised that access to the Central Business District and Loop area will continue to be temporarily reduced tomorrow, June 2nd. Access in the…
CategoriesIHCC News

IHCC comparte el dolor de nuestros hermanos en la comunidad afroamericana por los vergonzosos actos de violencia racial

La Cámara de Comercio Hispana de Illinois (IHCC) ve con mucha preocupación la extensión de los hechos de violencia ocurridos en los últimos días en…
CategoriesIHCC News

IHCC shares the pain of our brothers in the African American Community due to disgusting acts of racial violence

The Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) follows with deep concern the extent of the recent violent acts taking place in Chicago, as well as…
CategoriesIHCC News

IHCC support the new precautionary measures to ensure peaceful protests in Chicago

The City of Chicago today announced new precautionary measures to further ensure the health and safety of residents and the hundreds of peaceful protestors participating in…
CategoriesIHCC News

What Chicago restaurants need to serve food outdoors?

Under phase three of the Protecting Chicago reopening framework, many industries can start reopening on June 3rd under strict social distancing restrictions and industry-specific guidelines. During…
CategoriesIHCC News

IHCC difunde nuevas guías en español para dueños y empleados de restaurantes y bares en Illinois

El Gobernador de Illinois, JB Pritzker ha solicitado a las organizaciones hispanas más importantes del estado la difusión de las nuevas guías con lineamientos específicos…
CategoriesIHCC News

It’s Official: Chicago Ready to Begin Reopening Cautiously on Wednesday, June 3rd

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced that Chicago is on track to transition to phase three of the “Protecting Chicago” framework and will begin reopening on…
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