CategoriesIHCC News

25 años del Bella Notte: un hispano es guardián del tradicional sabor italiano en Chicago

Para cualquier italiano Frank Sinatra es un clásico. Un Ferrari antiguo es otro clásico. Y la pasta en familia de los domingos, hecha en casa por…
CategoriesIHCC News

25 years of Bella Notte: a Hispanic guardian of traditional Italian flavor in Chicago

For any Italian, Frank Sinatra is a classic. An old Ferrari is another classic. And the Sunday family pasta, homemade by "mamma", is a classic…
CategoriesIHCC News

The IHCC criticizes the purely criminal looting in Chicago and warns of the risks of impunity to stop economic development

The Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) vehemently rejects the aggression against local businesses suffered during shootings and acts of vandalism, recorded as part of…
CategoriesIHCC News

La IHCC critica los saqueos puramente criminales en Chicago y alerta sobre los riesgos de la impunidad para detener el desarrollo económico

La Cámara de Comercio Hispana de Illinois (IHCC) rechaza vehementemente la agresión contra empresas locales sufridas durante tiroteos y actos de vandalismo, registrados como parte…
CategoriesIHCC News

La IHCC se une al Gobernador Pritzker para promover la campaña “Todos con Cubrebocas”

La Cámara de Comercio Hispana de Illinois (IHCC) se unió a la campaña multimedia impulsada por el Gobernador de Illinois, J.B. Pritzker, que promueve el…
CategoriesIHCC News

The IHCC joins Gov. Pritzker to promote “All In Maks” Illinois campaign

The Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) joins Gov. J.B. Pritzker multimedia campaign to push the use of face masks to slow the spread of…
CategoriesGuest Columnist

The Chingona Ventures story deserves to be told

Though it’s not necessarily uncommon for investors at established firms to go off and launch their own VC funds, it is rare for a woman…
CategoriesIHCC News

Reconoce el Gobierno de México el trabajo del Presidente & CEO de la IHCC

El Gobierno de México, a través de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, reconoció oficialmente este miércoles 5 de agosto a Jaime di Paulo, Presidente &…
CategoriesIHCC News

Mexican Government recognizes IHCC’s President & CEO

The Mexican Government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, officially recognized this Wednesday, August 5, Jaime di Paulo, President & CEO of the Hispanic Chamber…
CategoriesGuest Columnist

U.S. Chamber of Commerce warns of racial inequality for small businesses

Attitudes and beliefs about racial inequality are changing quickly as protests and media attention have helped highlight the gaps in opportunity between white- and minority-owned…
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