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Our mission

The USDOT Small Business Transportation Resource Center (SBTRC) for the Great Lakes Region at the Illinois Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) mission is to increase the number of small businesses that are prepared to compete for, and enter into, transportation-related prime and subcontract opportunities.

SBTRC Services

Business Counseling

We provide one-one counseling in the areas of marketing, planning, financial, procurement and operational assistance. Sign up to become a client on our online database, Neosarra by clicking Here

Bonding Education Program (BEP)

The BEP consists of a comprehensive set of all-inclusive workshops designed to address what businesses need to do to become bond-ready, as well as one-on-one sessions with local surety bonding professionals.

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Women and Girls in Transportation Initiative (WITI)

This program is designed to increase the participation of women in the transportation industry and prepare young women to become our nation’s future leaders.

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For more in-depth information about the SBTRC-Great Lakes Region, visit their website by clicking here. Contact Marisol Flores, Project Coordinator at [email protected].

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