CategoriesCEO Letter

A source of great pride to the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) is that other community organizations value the continuous encouragement and opportunities for development that it provides to our executive staff. We greatly value the leadership of all the professionals who have positions of responsibility in our renowned technical assistance programs.

At a time when the pandemic is causing increasing unemployment in our country, we at the IHCC have been engaged in such great work that other organizations have seized the opportunity to recruit some of our talents. We view it as a great compliment.

In the last few months, three talented women, who have for years have dedicated themselves to IHCC’s growth, have been externally recruited. IHCC views this as a testament to our strength as an organization and a sign that we are on the right path in developing strong community leaders.

Ivette Trevino will leave the leadership of the Cook County Covid-19 Recovery Small Business Assistance Program.






Liana Bran will leave her Directorship of the LatinX Incubator to take a management position within the Cara Chicago organization.






Gabriela Garcia has left the direction of the Small Business Transportation Resource Center program to take over as Business Development Manager at LiftUp Enterprises.






For IHCC, replacing these three talented women will be challenging, but we are confident that that this challenge gives us the power to continue growing our phenomenal team.

We will continue educating and training talented professionals and provide them the same growth and development opportunities that these talented women received.

IHCC wants to thank Ivette, Liana and Gabriela for their hard work and many contributions to our organization over the past years. Talent is an essential factor for the success of any organization.

Thanks, in part to them, we have attracted many entrepreneurs and small business owners as members, clients, and partners. In 2020, as the IHCC celebrated its 30th anniversary, it registered the best numbers in its history. Just look at our annual report. They, and many others, contributed to these fantastic results.

I am happy for the professional growth of my team. One of my most important objectives as the head of IHCC, I think, is to create leaders capable of empowering our community. Leaders who can maintain the social commitment that has propelled us to be among the most outstanding Hispanic technical assistance organizations in the region.

Good results are achieved through management, teamwork, and determination. The key to success has been, is, and always will be, our ability as a team to set ever higher goals.

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